5 Simple Guidelines on How to Choose the Best Hairstyle

Being knowledgeable on how to choose the best hairstyle is vital, as your hairdo is a key determinant of your overall appeal. A perfect up do not only frames your face giving you a dazzling appeal but also makes you happier. Good looks boost your self-esteem and confidence which in turn result in successive endeavors alongside building healthy and long lasting relationships with others _all summed up constitute a happy life.
Want to look fabulous? It all starts with the hair, i.e. having a hairdo that fits your personality, face shape, hair texture, coloring, and lifestyle. Here are some guidelines on…
How to choose the best hairstyle 
image: spectaclesonline.com.
Recognize your facial shape

Unless you are lucky to have an oval shape (which goes with any hairstyle), facial shape recognition is crucial when it comes to selecting the perfect hairdo.  You can determine this by either measuring your forehead, cheekbones, jaw and face length or by just tracing your face on a mirror using soapy foam.
On recognizing your face shape the next step is researching on hairstyles that match it and settle for the best.
image: pinterest.com
Determine your hair type

This involves getting to know your hair length and texture. It`s crucial as it will save your time and money too. For instance, creating curls on thin hair may end up taking in more products (increasing cost) with the end results being short lived.
image: savvybrown.com
Recognize your skin complexion
This is critical when selecting your hair color. Unless you`re lucky to have a dark or olive complexion that goes with any hair color, you should think critically before deciding on what color to wear.

image: ruixinxinme.tumblr.com
.      Consider your body size

Your body shape is an important factor too and should be equally considered lest risk having a bad hair day. For instance, short petite women should avoid too long and too short hairstyles.
image: hubstatic.com
Consult professionals

Yes, an expert hairdresser will just know (instinctively) on what hairdo will/won't suit you.
Having a dazzling look is a matter of choice which all starts with the hair. Boost your hair related confidence by taking into account these 5 guidelines on how to choose the best hairstyle before booking your next salon appointment.
